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May 2021 Newsletter

Newsletter – May 2021

Greetings from the desk of the Pastor! What an incredible April we have had, and what an exciting May we have coming up. This past month we did our very first Blessing of the Animals, where we met so many furry family members and were able to pray together that they would be blessed as they have blessed us. Following that we launched into our very first Chopped Challenge for the youth group. It was a hilarious, delicious success! We had six youth compete in pairs as three teams of two. They took their basket ingredients home and created delightful appetizers and jaw dropping desserts. The judges got to watch the competition on ZOOM, and then the students returned to the church for judging and a pizza party! Special congratulations to our youngest competitors – Dylan and Kayden, who took home the prize of Cops And Robbers gift cards. As a judge, I would personally recommend ANY of those competitors to be your personal chef.

As the weather continues to warm up, we have a packed May schedule as well! Take a look: May 2 – Our wonderful worship director Christie is heading out to visit her very first new grand-baby! While she is away – we handed the set list for the contemporary service over to a local rock and roll group – 1Fifty. They will lead worship at the second service on May 2nd. We will also be having in person communion and perhaps a baptism or two. May 9 – MOTHER’S DAY SUNDAY! Is there a better way to say “I love you mom” than taking her to church? We have a few very special celebrations planned, and we hope you can join us then! May 16- NEW MEMBER SUNDAY! After taking an 8 month break for COVID related reasons, we reconvened our Confirmation Class this spring as well has having our first new member class in over a year! Come join us as we celebrate these wonderful human beings and their presence and dedication in our worship services.

May 23 – GRADUATION SUNDAY! It has been a very unusual year, but one thing remains true – we are very proud of our graduates. We will take a moment in worship (and between the services) to celebrate and honor those students as they take this next big step in their journey.

I’m not sure we could fit anything more into the month of May – but we might as well try. During the month of May we will be prepping for a few activities that will take place later in the summer. Take a look at some upcoming opportunities!

Community Garden – Our community garden is looking for volunteers to tend to it during these summer months. We have four adorable little plots on the west side of the building (near the Boat play structure) and they will need tending this summer.

Sunday Summer Games – As Christian Education takes a break for the summertime, and the weather warms up – we will be putting together a series of outdoor games and activities for the kids to do between worship services on Sundays. I’ve got our best elementary age minds working on a list of favorite games – and we will probably need a few adults to help chaperone the fun!

Outdoor Worship Services – during this upcoming summer, we hope to put on 2 or 3 outdoor worship services. While this is still in the planning stages right now – I am imagining a 10:00 service, perhaps once a month, with a potluck luncheon afterwards. We have a wonderful portable outdoor sound system, and we can fellowship together afterwards while the kids play on the newly completed boat playset. If you have ideas or would like to help with this outdoor option – please feel free to let me know! I did want to take a moment at the end of this newsletter to say a quick word about COVID-19. While I am encouraged that so many in our congregation have gotten the vaccination, and you all have done so incredibly well with following the guidelines and social distancing – we are not quite done yet. I personally received my second shot just a week ago – and I highly encourage all of you who are able to get the vaccine as well. As we fly into a fun summer in the sun – let us also continue to observe all the safe practices necessary. So much to look forward to! But until then – I’ll see you on Sunday, Pastor JJ


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