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Newsletter - May 2022

Newsletter – May, 2022

Greetings from the desk of the Pastor! Coming off of the wonderful celebrations of Easter Sunday and all the festivities surrounding the holiday season – it has been a joy to see the sun show it’s face a little more boldly. The month of May is always so full of joy and fun activities, as school winds down and the kids start getting itchy for those summer months. And wow, our church is no exception! Before I jump in to outlining all the wonderful things we have coming up for our church family – I did want to take a moment and mention just how grateful we are for the volunteers of this church. Volunteering in the church is one of the best ways to dive deeper into your faith. Beyond just attending worship every week on Sunday – volunteering puts you on the front lines of serving in God’s kingdom. Our church is blessed with SO MANY opportunities, and we need all hands on deck to help this church experience revival!

Whether it’s singing in the choir, setting up coffee hour, making meals at the soup kitchen, weeding the community garden or working the computer behind the sound board – a healthy volunteer force is the difference between a church that survives, and a church that THRIVES. Whether you’re just making your way back through the church doors, or if you’ve been with us all along – I want to encourage you to take some time this month to FIND YOUR NICHE. Each of us has a calling from God to do ministry together to transform the world, and I want to inspire you to explore all the opportunities this church has to offer to find where you fit.

One of our greatest needs is Life Group Leaders. The existing Life Groups are doing such wonderful things and creating such powerful community – but we need more! I’d like each of you reading this letter to ask yourself: have I been called to lead a Life Group? You don’t need to have all the answers to lead a Life Group – you simply need a willing heart. God will do the equipping, we just have to answer when we are called!

Here's some upcoming events you don’t want to miss:

March 14 – Move For Mission

As I mentioned in last month’s Newsletter, the United Women in Faith have put together this amazing walkathon event. The goal is to raise money for their missions and outreach – to support all the programs that depend on our gifts. At the same time, it will be so much fun! We’ll have a bouncy house obstacle course for the kiddos, hot dogs and other foods at the park for the families, and lots of chances for WALKING. Sponsor a friend, raise donations and let’s get MOVING for missions!

March 15 – Volunteer Appreciation Potato Bar!

In April we held a “Welcome Back Brunch” that was OVERWHELMINGLY successful. It was such an incredible and joy-filled morning. There were at least a half dozen calls for us to feast together more frequently. SO, we are having a Baked Potato bar between services on March 15th, to celebrate and appreciate all our incredible volunteers. We are also encouraging all the ministries of our church to put out a table with a display for the Volunteer Fair. Each ministry will put together a display highlighting the best parts of their work in the kingdom of God. Folks will have a chance to walk around the room after they’ve eaten to see all the ministries and maybe even FIND YOUR NICHE.

May 22 – Revival Students Chopped Challenge!

If you’ve ever seen the TV show “Chopped” – you have had a taste of what we put our Youth through with this event. This is the second ever Chopped Challenge, and contestants will receive a basket of food and a cell phone stand. They set up a Zoom call in their kitchen, and the judges will watch them cook from the church fellowship hall. Then once the cooking is complete, they return to the church for final judging. Youth have to bring their A-game, otherwise they’ll get CHOPPED.

Our church will be a bustling place full of life in the next few weeks, but until then – I’ll see you on Sunday.

Pastor JJ


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